Monday 15 November 2010

Location and Questionnaire

Ideally we need to find a bedroom that is not too brightly coloured and will also not emit too much lighting as this will interfere with the theme of despair.
We are going to use Lorna's bedroom as it is very large and so camera work should be easy to complete. The room also has a certain lack of bright colours, and the room could help us the emphasize to the audience about the theme of despair.

We created a questionnaire and distributed it to pupils around our college, it was originally going to be give to just girls, as girls aged between 15 to 25 was our target audience, however, we had decided to also ask men about how they may also feel about losing a loved one and also if they may have any personal objects.
Questions included whether the people we asked had siblings or not, and as a result, we found out that most people have a brother or sister that they deeply care about.

By asking this question, it made us realise that the narrative of the story should change to help us reflect on this response. Therefore, we had decided to make the main character lose their sister rather than their best friend as the viewers would have felt more sorry for the main character who is going through despair. This would hopefully allow the viewer to feel more of a connection to the main character to add onto the idea that all hope has been lost

We also found out that most people prefer to pay attention to the actual storyline within the drama genre, so it will be important to ensure that the storyline will be clear to all viewers, and also makes sense within our allocated time of five minutes.

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