Monday 15 November 2010

Evaluation of Group Presentation

What went well...
  • Despite the lack of information based on the narrative, I think we went into a fair amount of detail during the presentation. 
  • I also felt as though Freytag's pyramid which informs us about drama conventions was well covered
What didn't go so well...
  • I felt as though there was an uneven distribution of who was going to cover what topic during the presentation, (e.g. who was going to discuss our desired target audience and who was going to discuss the location. I think that this was down to poor planning prior to our presentation.
  • We were constantly being told to project our voices as we were speaking too low, this brings into question whether our voices were picked up by the camera at all
  • I also thought that we did not provide enough information about the narrative of the story as this was mainly done through the use of animatics (which I think was not too clear)
  • In the future, I think that more time, planning and consideration should go into producing presentations. 
  • We should have also done more research into similar products relating to our chosen theme of despair and genre of drama
Contributions I made to the group...
  • Despite working on the individual blog and group blog, I have helped the group by designing the questionnaires that were distributed to pupils around our college. I have also helped produce the results in the form of bar charts. I also helped create the brainstorms that helped us to decide our chosen theme of despair. I also helped prepare the presentation for the group pitch.

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