Monday 14 February 2011


Below is my commentary for the short film "Bringing Back Hope":

Note: The Climax part of Freytag's pyramid of dramatic structure was missed out. The climax is actually where the fight scene takes place; which eventually leads to Hope finding her sister's diary, leading onto the Falling Action.

Thursday 3 February 2011

What I have done

Today, I have learnt how to use Final Cut to create titles for our film. This was quite confusing to understand at first as it was more advanced than what I was used to.
I started off by creating a simple animation with a sample text, just to get used to using Final Cut. I was then shown how to create more of a professional title which would be more suitable for a film. This rather straightforward.. By the end of the lesson, I was able to create suitable titles that were good enough for the film.